Rainbow - her actual legal name is Rainbow-Renee Wyola Manier. Named by her father who was inspired by his friend and musical peer, Jimi Hendrix. She was given her middle name, Wyola, by a First Nations Shaman. Rainbow was born into the Bohemian lifestyle. She comes from a Hippie tribe of vegetarians. A mixed race family of musicians, dancers, artists and teachers who were dedicated to the holistic way of living.
Rainbow is an expert of her globally infused craft, typically practices in her healing center in Seattle and she travels the globe offering her Soul Journey Ceremonies. Guest Speaking, Wellness Retreats, Corporate Coaching and Private Treatments.
Rainbow is the co-owner of Ola Wyola, along with her iconically fabulous -- multi-talented mother. She has two healing centers in Seattle.
Rainbow is a jewelry designer who creates our in house Soul Chains -- Powerful crystal amulets strung on vintage chains - then infused with the Moon cycle, Sound Healing, Reiki, Smudging, and protective intentions .A mother of two adult humans - The most gratifying creation of all!